The Polish Political scene has been abuzz with controversy following the decision of the State Electoral Commission (PKW) to defer deliberations on the report of the PiS electoral committee. Henryk Kowalczyk, the treasurer of PiS, has accused the PKW of violating electoral law, citing Article 161a, paragraph 8 of the electoral code. According to Kowalczyk, the law explicitly states that the PKW must promptly accept the report, rather than engaging in political discussions.

The PKW’s decision has sparked outrage among PiS members, who claim that the commission is implementing a political directive. „This is a clear violation of the law,” Kowalczyk said in a statement. „The PKW is executing a political directive, and we have no doubts about it.”

Political Motivations

The PiS claims that the PKW’s decision is motivated by a desire to deprive the party of financial resources ahead of the presidential elections. Kowalczyk pointed out that the commission’s decision has resulted in the party receiving less money from the budget than it would have if the report had been accepted.

The issue of funding is a critical one, as the PiS is currently facing a severe financial shortfall. The party has initiated a collection of donations to fund its election campaign, and Kowalczyk has promised to take legal action against the PKW’s decision.

Constitutional Controversy

At the heart of the controversy is the status of the Supreme Court’s Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber, which is responsible for reviewing appeals against PKW decisions. The chamber’s status has been questioned by the current government, as well as some members of the PKW.

The chamber was established in 2017, and its members were appointed by the National Council of the Judiciary. However, the opposition claims that the chamber’s status is unconstitutional, and that its members were appointed in violation of the law.

Legal Action

The PiS has announced plans to take legal action against the PKW’s decision, but will first consult with its legal team. Rafał Bochenek, the party’s spokesperson, promised that the party would not back down from the fight.

In a statement, Bochenek said that the PKW’s decision was „scandalous and illegal” and that the party would take all necessary steps to defend its rights.


The consequences of the PKW’s decision are far-reaching. If the commission’s decision is upheld, the PiS could lose its right to a subsidy from the budget for three years. This would be a significant blow to the party’s financial resources, and could have a major impact on its ability to campaign effectively.

According to reports, the PiS received less money from the budget in 2024 than it would have if the report had been accepted. This has put a significant strain on the party’s finances, and has prompted concerns about its ability to fund its election campaign.

A Political Crisis

The PKW’s decision has sparked a political crisis in Poland, with both sides accusing each other of violating the law. The opposition claims that the government is using the PKW to silence its critics, while the government accuses the opposition of trying to undermine the electoral process.

As the situation continues to unfold, one thing is clear: the PKW’s decision has sparked a major political controversy that will have far-reaching consequences for Polish politics.


* 38 million PLN: The amount of funding that the PiS received from the budget in 2023
* 10.8 million PLN: The amount of funding that was withheld from the PiS following the PKW’s decision
* 26 million PLN: The annual subsidy that the PiS received from the budget before the PKW’s decision
* 3.6 million PLN: The amount of funding that the PiS was forced to return to the state budget following the PKW’s decision
* 2017: The year in which the Supreme Court’s Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber was established

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