title: „The Farce of Belarusian 'Elections’: A Desperate Attempt to Cling to Power”
meta description: „The upcoming 'elections’ in Belarus are a sham, designed to maintain the regime’s grip on power and crush any opposition. Expert analysis reveals the true nature of the „elections” and the dire situation in the country.”
header: „The Illusion of Democracy: Belarusian 'Elections’ Exposed”
The so-called „elections” scheduled for January 26 in Belarus are nothing more than a desperate attempt by Alaksandr Łukaszenka to cling to power and legitimize his authoritarian regime. According to Kamil Kłysiński, an expert from the Eastern Studies Center (OSW), these „elections” are a farce, devoid of any democratic content or significance.
The Reality of Totalitarian Power
Łukaszenka has achieved his goal of total control over the country, dominating all processes, society, and elites, with the Russian Federation’s backing. This means that he has successfully consolidated his grip on power, making it impossible for any opposition to emerge. The expert emphasizes that from Łukaszenka’s perspective, this „election” is a success: he will simply „re-elect” himself as president, solidifying his hold on the country.
A Signal to Russia and the West
The „elections” are largely aimed at the internal market, serving as a signal to Russia that Łukaszenka remains a reliable partner worthy of support. This message is crucial, as it reinforces the notion that he is capable of conducting a successful re-election and crushing any opposition. The OSW expert notes that Russia appreciates this, as similar principles govern their own regime.
Deception and Disinformation
The „elections” also serve as an element of disinformation targeted at the West. Some independent Belarusian experts have expressed concerns that Łukaszenka might attempt to „sell” these „elections” to the West as an opportunity to initiate dialogue. However, the expert believes that Łukaszenka has no intention of engaging in dialogue with the West at this stage.
The Crackdown on Opposition
The expert does not expect any signs of social resistance in connection with the „elections,” as society is intimidated, and people prioritize survival. Repression is widespread, and anyone can be detained for almost any reason. This is a totalitarian state, where organizing protests is much more challenging than it was in an authoritarian state, as seen in 2020.
The Release of Political Prisoners: A Public Relations Stunt
The recent pardon of around 200 political prisoners by Łukaszenka is also seen as part of the „election” campaign. This move is intended to create an illusion of humanity and deceive his own citizens. The expert notes that Western elites and experts are aware that this is merely a public relations stunt, and the regime has no intention of stopping repression or releasing all political prisoners.
The „elections” in Belarus are a desperate attempt to cling to power, and they will not be a turning point in the country’s history. The regime’s goal is to maintain control, which in the current conditions means maintaining strict control over society and upholding the totalitarian model. This will continue unabated, and the „elections” will be nothing more than a political spectacle.